Tuesday, March 17, 2015

2015 Reading Challenge

Way back in 2014, and by that I mean in January 2015, my husband got sick of my complaining of lack of reading material and found this list for me. Well, I looked at the list, saw I had actually read a few (very few) books from it, and overall would not necessarily choose any of these books if I saw them in the library. But, I needed books to read and I needed a push to just read the books without over thinking if I would like them. So, I decided to read all the books on the list. I also like challenges and I knew if I would challenge myself to read all the books on this list I wouldn't have a lack of book suggestions for the whole year. So on January 15, 2015, I opened my Goodreads account, added the whole list to my "to read" and "2015 challenge" bookshelves and dove in.

Unfortunately, I found Annie John and Wuthering Heights very hard to finish and I began to lose hope in my list. Wuthering Heights especially took a lot out of me. That's when the crowd-sourcing began. I am fortunate to have many well-read friends who eagerly offered their 2 cents on books to add to this list, and my list of 75 grew to 111. My goal is to read only 75 and save the rest for next year. Goodreads tells me I'm 3 books behind schedule, but as there are now more interesting choices I have a feeling my reading speed will get faster. I have a few more books to add and would love even more suggestions. My go-to genre is chick-lits and light fantasy so I'm looking to step out of that comfort zone and broaden my mind.

Here's looking to a well-read year!

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